Design a Unique Album Cover

Design a Unique Album Cover

Design a Unique Album Cover

Design a Unique Album Cover

About This Gig

I don’t accept offers from people who want just any banal style. If you are looking for second rate design, then this message is not for you. 

"Making something that's going to catch people's eyes within seconds is important. People only have that amount of time to be instantly attached to what you create. And you have to either grab their attention or you lose them right away.” - Mihailo Andic.

I will design something exceptional just and only for you, not just a picture with text. If you want to stand out from other musicians, not only through your music but also thanks to a unique, customized album cover, then I have what you need. Every project is tailored to your needs, so your band can reach the top!

You will get :

Highest Quality Front cover (3000x3000 pixels JPEG in 300 dpi),
Commercial use of Your album cover,
Artistic touch and beautifully tailored design, 
Money-Back Guarantee,
Three revisions.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Don’t wait, order today!

Design a Unique Album Cover

Design a Unique Album Cover

Design a Unique Album Cover


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